We are the group of Hawk industries we want to shell you, our invent is it a licuator of eggs no waste more energy and electricity with the licuator 2001 our moto is ¨otro modo de vida ¨in this grop we think of the thing that you want
we have some ideas to do:
this ideas are good for no malgastaste energy the best ones of all are:
the first one is for breakfast a lot of types of cereals
the second one is to no malgasted energy and not waste your time and effort
this will be mejorated
the better one is the licuator of eggs because to the buyer you dont have to do a lot of effort and this not malgasted energy and this product also we can clean.
For the people that are very busy and with enough time.
For beat eggs manualy
In places that there is not elestricity for example:
Turnig the manibela and the gears rotate and the stiki move with the blade Finally the egg is couted.
To save energy and your effort
That is without electricity and we can used in places tha there is not plugs.
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-We are going to present a new project to the world. this is the mixer 2000 it is very useful you don´t need any instraction to this. there is no risk for the children.
Correo Electrónico: ijjap98@gmail.com
Centro: Ramiro de Maeztu
Profesorado: Manuel Blázquez Merino,
Tutor Valnalón: Silvia
Alumnos/as: 5
© Ciudad Tecnológica del Valle del Nalón, 2009