Fase 1 - Equipo MCJ Company
Logotipo y presentación MCJ Company
we are a group call mcj company. we come from the highschool Ramiro de Maeztu. We are designing usefull invention. if you have any dout of something please comment to us

Fase 1 - Batería de Ideas
Presentación de las ideas que se generaron
The ideas we think and their descriptions:
1º The wheel chair: the doctors do not have to go with thee patient.
2ºElectric rolleblades:very easy to control
3º The milk bottle invention: If you have any tension problem yuo do not fall the milk
Valoración de las ideas
the inconvience of the other ideas:
1ºthe wheel chair: it needs help to use it
2º Electrical rollerblades: very difficult to build it
3º The milk bottlr invention: It is perfect
Descripcion de la idea seleccionada
the idea consits of a machine, that has two different extrem with two handdle that are conected by a metal bar.
In one extrem you put the bottle that can be regulated by a handle and in the other one you put the glass and the force of gravity makes that the liquid go downand goes into the glass. This is a very good idea and is make for people with problems of tension and parkinston
Fase 1 - idea
¿A Quién?
the idea is for people with parkinson or tension problems
¿Para qué?
To dropless the liquid is inside and to socialized to the rest of this kind of people
This machine is designed to be in the kitchen or in some extrem case in other parts, but the most fequency place to put it is in the kitchen.
Putting the bottle in one of the extremes and the plass in the other and with a handdle you cna regulated; putting it higher or lower.
¿En qué mejora la calidad de vida de las personas?
It helps people to waste less drink, and helps people to incorporate to the society.
¿Qué innovaciones incorpora esta idea?
They inovations this idea has are to spill less milk or any other liquid and to help themo to waste less of iot
Fase 1 - Diseño
Descargar boceto
Descargar croquis
Descargar plano
Fase 1 - Planificación
Listado de Materiales
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Listado de Herramientas
Descargar el listado de herramientas
Planificacion del tiempo
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Fase 2 - Estudio usuario

we think that is going to be a success for parkinson people and also for the normal ones
we think our friends and classmates are a little slightly balls. because they put very high marks and we think its not very good.
Fase 2- Evolución del prototipo
Tabla días/tiempo dedicado
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Tabla tiempo total empleado
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Evolución del prototipo: Preparación

Evolución del prototipo: Construccioacute;n

Fase 2- Mejoras del Prototipo
Equipo MCJ Company
Correo Electrónico: tecnologia.grupo@yahoo.es
Centro: Ramiro de Maeztu
Profesorado: Manuel Blázquez Merino,
Tutor Valnalón: Silvia
Alumnos/as: 5