We are four boys and five girls of 3rd of ESO. We are from a town called Berga and we study in Vedruna Berga ESO. Our cooperative is called Out, inspired on a sentence one of our classmates said, “Out of reality”.
This is our chart. It´s organised circularly. We decided to make it this way because we believe that none of us is more important than the others and we all have the same rights and duties. Our president is in the middle because she is the one who organises the tasks and she keeps us united.
Este es nuestro organigrama organizado de manera circular. Decidimos hacerlo así porque creemos que no hay una persona mas importante que otra y todos tenemos los mismos derechos y deberes. Nuestra presidenta està en el medio porque es la que organiza nuestras tareas y nos mantiene unidos.
Estos son nuestros estatutos. Están escritos en catalán.
These are our statutes. They are made in Catalan.
Direccion: Passeig Fonts del LLedó s/n, Berga, 8600, Barcelona, España
Correo Electrónico: cooperativaout@gmail.com
Alumnos/as: 9
© Ciudad Tecnológica del Valle del Nalón, 2009