Our mission is to be the best spanish High school importer and exporter of high quality products in and out of spain, we are going to contact internacional High schoolˋs enterprise that can be interest in our future products. Our main goal is to know how to run or how works a real enterprise and in the run gain the money we invert in it, we are part of a young project that search young enterpreneurship minds around Europe and United States. We will try to sell our products at the end of the year in the "Plaza del ayuntamiento" after we try to sell or export our products around Europe.
Direccion: AVDA HERMANOS FELGUEROSO, 25, GIJÓN, 33205, Asturias, Espa�a
Correo Electrónico: maxfad.eje@gmail.com
Alumnos/as: 11
© Ciudad Tecnológica del Valle del Nalón, 2009