Cadena de Formación de Emprendedores, Valnalon Educa

Ciudad Industrial del Valle del Nalón S.A.U. C/ Hornos Altos s/n, 33930 La Felguera, Asturias. España

Empresa Joven Europea

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Cooperativa Proyee

  • Presentation

    We are a group of twenty four young entrepeneurs students and we are studying  4ºESO Group C in IES Aramo, a highschool from Oviedo.

    Our cooperative is called Proyee, and is an ambitious project reflected in the name of the enterprise: Products Young European Enterprise.

    We are going to sell T-Shirt from different football teams, sweatshirt and Asturian typical good. We have chosen this products because they are original, striking and they are not going to be found in many enterprises or shops.

    We hope you enjoy buying all ours products. If you visit us you will not regret!

    Foto de grupo

    Organization chart

    Descargar organigrama

    Articles of association

    Descargar estatutos


    Co-operative Proyee

    School: IES ARAMO

    Address: CORONEL ARANDA 5, OVIEDO, 33005, Asturias, España


    Students: 24

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