We are a cooperative from the Inmaculada school of Gijón. Our name is “TeenShop”, because it’s directed by teenagers and it’s an easy name to remember. We are eleven people working together, seven girls and four guys. The cooperative is divided into three departments: marketing (4people), accounting (4 people) and international sales (3 people).
We work on this subject two hours a week, on Wednesday (9:15 to 10:10) and on Friday (13:40 to 14:35). The main objective of this cooperative and the subject of Eje is to learn how to work together, to speak in English and exchange products with other cooperatives from other places. We invested 15 Euros each and the 20% of our benefits go to “AECC” (This is an NGO that fights against the cancer).
Some of our hobbies are travelling, reading, going out with our friends and having fun. Like all teenagers do, we don´t like wasting our time doing things we don´t enjoy.
If you want to contact us our email account is: teenshop13@hotmail.com
Direccion: HERMANOS FELGUEROSO Nº 25, Gijón, 33205, Asturias, España
Correo Electrónico: teenshop13@hotmail.com
Alumnos/as: 11
© Ciudad Tecnológica del Valle del Nalón, 2009