Hello, we are a group of 15 boys and 4 girls from Lugo who are trying to create our own business inside the EJE project. Our aim is to learn how to manage a small business and to practice all the tasks involved in the development of an entrepreneurial profile.
We are looking forward to collaborate with you and exchange products. We will try to create a catalogue centered on typical products from our region, especially edible ones. As you can see, we are writing to you in English; it´s so because our subject is taught in this language. Hope it won´t be a problem for you. Anyway if you have any concerns about it just let us know!
Address: Avd. Ramón Ferreiro, s/n, Lugo, 27002, Lugo, Espa�a
Email: madeinlugo@gmail.com
Students: 18
© Ciudad Tecnológica del Valle del Nalón, 2009