We are MASPLUS, a new Cooperative from Burgos that is in the Northern Spain, we are students from Pintor Luis Sáez High School and we are in the 4th course of the Bilingual Proyect.
We are a group of students that wants to learn how the busssines-world works and what it means to be an entreprenuer.Perhaps some of us might even become entreprenuers in the future.
We invite you to have a look at our catalogue and we hope you´ll find something interesting in it.
Best regards!¡Hola!
Somos MASPLUS,una nueva cooperativade Burgos, en elnorte de España, somosestudiantes del instituto PintorLuisSáezestamosen el 4 º cursodel proyecto bilingüe.
Somos un grupode estudiantesquequieren aprender como funciona el mundo de los negocios y lo que significaser unemprendedor. Alomejoralgunos de nosotrosinclusopodría llegar a serloen el futuro.
Les invitamos aechar un vistazo anuestro catálogoy esperamos que encuantren algo interesante en el. Un cordial saludo!
Foto de grupo
Organization chart
Descargar organigrama
Articles of association
Descargar estatutos
Co-operative Masplus **
Address: C/Alfonso XI s/n, Burgos, 9007, Burgos, Espa�a