Somos la cooperativa Internacionalcop del colegio Santo Toms de Aquino, en la Felguera, Asturias, al norte de Espaa. Nuestra intencin es comprar y vender diferentes productos para ir introducindonos en la economa y descubrir cmo actan las empresas para tener un ejemplo a seguir. Hello, we are students of 4 E.S.O., group A from St. Toms Aquino School. This year, once more, our school takes part in the European Enterprise course, this time with a group of eight students known under the name Internacionalcop. Our school is located in the region of Asturias, in La Felguera inside the Naln Valley. Through this course we would like to introduce ourselves into business, trading products with cooperatives in other regions and other European Union countries. We hope to succeed with our enterprise and we wish you good luck. If you wish to contact us you can do it through our e-mail:
Ya hemos terminado el catálogo y está subido a la página web.
Direccion: Melquiades Álvarez, 50, La Felguera, 33930, Asturias, Espa�a
Correo Electrónico:
Alumnos/as: 8
© Ciudad Tecnológica del Valle del Nalón, 2009